CHP Phase 1 PROJECT: consultation brief

CHP Phase 1 PROJECT: consultation brief

Overview of the proposed “CHP Phase 1” development

Stanlow Manufacturing Complex is the UK’s second largest refinery producing over 16% of the UK’s transport fuels and feedstocks for the chemical and pharmaceutical supply chains. The refinery is equipped with six boilers with steam turbines to generate steam and power, which were built more than 50 years ago and suffer high maintenance costs and poor availability. EET (formerly Essar) owns and operates the refinery and are committed to becoming the UK’s first low carbon refinery. We are therefore making significant investments over the next five years to lower emissions by decarbonising production processes. We intend to build a new Hydrogen ready Combined Heat and Power (CHP) project which will contribute towards EET’s decarbonisation commitment and will help contribute to the UK Government Net Zero carbon emission by 2050 target. 

EET plans to submit a planning application, under the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, to Cheshire West & Chester Council before the end of 2024, for the CHP Phase 1 development.

EET are currently progressing the project design and have appointed specialists to undertake technical assessments of matters such as noise, transport and ecology. These assessments would support the planning application in the form of an Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA).

Proposed Scheme Description

In line with the future decarbonisation initiatives for environmental sustainability and to meet the energy requirements for ongoing and future refinery operations, EET is to install a new CHP plant that has the ability to burn hydrogen.

EET are progressing a separate project for a Hydrogen Production Plant (HPP) which would produce a low carbon hydrogen fuel by the process of reforming Natural Gas and connect to the HyNet North West Project which will produce, transport and store low carbon hydrogen across the North West and North Wales.

The new CHP plant would initially run on Refinery Off gas (ROG) / Nat Gas initially, until the commissioning of the HPP. It would then be fuelled by hydrogen. The existing CHP modules are to be phased out. 

The proposed CHP project will deliver:

  • Large Scale private-wire power to industrial offtakers, including supporting a major refinery electrification programme, providing power to EET’s low carbon hydrogen plants, and supplying other local industries. This will allow these projects to operate efficiently and cost effectively whilst minimising loading on the national grid, which is a constraint on industrial decarbonisation in the region.
  • First large scale 100% hydrogen ready power plant, providing dispatchable low carbon power production. The design allows for baseload power generation initially, with flexibility to allow renewable power import whilst still generating steam in the long term, this will deploy technology needed to balance the UKs future electricity system with fully decarbonised power.
  • Very high industrial heat demands which will allow the project to operate at a far higher efficiency than equivalent combined cycle power plants, which maximises the carbon savings and makes the most efficient use of the limited low carbon hydrogen.

The project utilises extensive pre-existing infrastructure such as grid connections, water supply and industrial land availability. 

The future hydrogen-ready CHP system will be constructed using modular units. Each module will be composed of 1 Gas Turbine (GT) generating up to 16.5 MW of power output and 1 heat recovery steam generator (HRSG) generating up to 2000 T/D 100 Barg steam. Each module will include ancillary equipment and services including a new Demineralization (Demin) plant, modularized Substation and Local Control Room (LCR), modularized Structural Pipe Rack, Fuel Gas Conditioning System, Metering package, Chemical Injection Package, Deaerators and Boiler Feedwater (BFW) pumps. Each GT is to be designed as a multi-fuel unit capable of burning 100% Hydrogen, 100% refinery off gas (ROG), 100% natural gas (NG) or any combination in between. Similarly, each HRSG unit on the back of each GT will be designed as a multi-fuel unit able to burn any combination possible of H2, ROG and/or NG.  

The CHP will be delivered in two stages:  

  • Phase 1 will comprise the construction of 3 modules with a power generation capacity of 16.5MW, which therefore totals 49.5MW, below the Development Consent Order (DCO) limit of 50 MW. Planning permission for Phase 1 will be sought under the TCPA (Town and Country Planning Act) 1990. The application also includes the demolition of existing redundant infrastructure on site (the material transport and estate services unit stores and Shell Higher Olefins Process (SHOP) chemical warehouse). This is the scope of this consultation exercise.
  • Phases 2 and 3 will comprise the combination of the Gas Turbines - Heat recovery Steam generators and retirement of the EOUK steam turbines with new turbines of suitable capacity which will increase the capacity of the facility beyond 50 MW threshold. This would provide 200 MW power production capacity. Development consent for Phases 2 and 3 will be sought via a DCO application. This is a separate application to the CHP Phase 1 project, and will be subject to a separate consultation.

The project has been split into two stages, in order to offer the quickest potential route to secure the necessary planning approval for the project to commence and meet the decarbonisation ambitions of EET.

Frequently Asked Questions

When will EET be making the planning application?

It is the intention to submit a full planning application to Cheshire West and Chester Council by the end of 2024.

Who makes the decisions on the planning application?

Cheshire West and Chester Council will have the final decision on the planning application.

How do I find/ respond to the planning application?

Once EET has submitted its planning application, Cheshire West and Chester Council will have a page on its planning website and comments can be made there. In the meantime, any queries/ feedback can be made directly to EET, as set out below.

Are all the activities within the existing refinery site?

Yes, the entire development for which the application is being made is all within the curtilage of the existing refinery.

If approved, how long before the works start and become operational?

Subject to planning permission being granted, it is the aim for works to start in 2025, in order for the CHP system to be commissioned by late 2026. It would run on Refinery Off gas (ROG) / Nat Gas initially, until the commissioning of the separate Hydrogen production plants, which is planned to be commissioned by March 2028. It could then be fuelled by hydrogen.

Will these activities be noisy or dusty?

Activities which do generate noise or dust will be identified and mitigated wherever possible. EET has extensive experience of such development projects, and therefore managing and mitigating activities that can generate noise and dust.

Will I see any difference to the refinery?

Yes, the proposed development includes buildings and structures, currently envisaged to be up to 7m in height. The development may change existing views of the refinery, particularly from the south of the station. However the existing landscaped boundaries are to remain, providing some visual screening. There are no additional chimneys/ stacks proposed as part of this project.

Will there be increased traffic on the roads/railway?

The material demolished on site will need to leave the refinery by road. The refinery includes a storage area where materials can be stored and re-used where possible. The materials for the new build construction will also need to be delivered to the site.

Who should I contact if I have more questions/ How do I comment on the proposals?

Before submitting the planning application, EET is giving local people and stakeholders the chance to share their feedback on the proposals by holding a 28-day public consultation between 29 July and 26 August. To provide your feedback on the proposals outlined please email: to provide comments