Turnaround Letter September 2022

Dear Neighbour,
I write to inform you that we will be undertaking a major turnaround (shutdown) of part of the Stanlow
Manufacturing Complex, beginning in the third week of September and lasting for approximately nine
weeks. The turnaround, which was last undertaken in Spring 2018, will see significant maintenance and repair activity across the site, together with a major investment in new equipment, including the multimillion re-lifing of one of our key production units.

For an event of this size, there will be both increased construction activity and some associated noise, the vast majority of which is scheduled to take place between 8.00am and 6.30pm. Although there will be other work undertaken outside these hours, our priority will be to minimise any disruption to our
neighbouring communities. During the first two weeks of the turnaround you may notice a slight increase in flaring (the controlled combustion of refinery gases at elevation from plant relief and vent systems in the presence of steam, visible from the flare structure) although this will be temporary as units are taken offline. There may also be a slight increase in flaring at the beginning of December as units are brought back on-line.

Due to the scope of the works, additional contractors will be employed at Stanlow for the duration of the turnaround. This will see a much heavier use of the main roads into the site, including the entrances on A5117, Pool Lane and Oil Sites Road. Based on our planning, we expect local roads to be busier in the following periods: 6.30am - 7.45am and then 6.30pm – 7.00pm.
Please be advised staff will be on hand to deal with any enquires or issues throughout the period of the turnaround. In the event you do wish to speak to us, our security control centre can be contacted on a 24 hour basis by ringing 0151 350 4545. The security control centre will then refer the call to the official best qualified to deal with it. I would like to thank you in advance for your patience during the turnaround period and for taking the time to read this letter.
Yours sincerely
Jon Barden
Chief Operating Officer
Stanlow Manufacturing Complex